Academic GP Roles
In Northern Ireland there are usually three General Practice Academic Research Training Scheme (GPARTS) posts available each year, funded jointly by the NI Medical and Dental Training Agency and the Research and Development Division of the Public Health Agency.
These posts are open to doctors who have already been selected for specialist training in general practice and have, at the time of commencement of their post, completed their ST2 year. They are based with academic GP colleagues in Queen's University Belfast and Ulster University. The trainee’s clinical work is conducted in GP Practices within their locality training area.
The duration of each post is for two years, with 50% of time in clinical work and 50% in academia, gaining training in research skills, experience in teaching and undertaking a topic of research, leading to a MPhil qualification. Applications are invited in January, to the NI Deanery, for appointment when their GP ST3 year commences.
GPs can also become actively involved in research after they complete their training.
Video courtesy of QUBGP Society and Ulster Image (