GP Retention Scheme


The GP Retention Scheme (formerly the GP Retainer Scheme) is open to any GP in Northern Ireland. It can be a really useful “stepping stone” between a sessional role and a permanent salaried or partnership role. The scheme provides regular sessions in the same practice giving stability to the working week and the opportunity to be part of a practice team. The GP chooses the practice and sessions are arranged by mutual agreement. 

An additional route to the GP Retention Scheme is now available for International Medical Graduates (IMGs) who have trained in the UK.

Key facts: 

  • Places on the scheme are for up to three years

  • There is a fully funded CPD programme ( 6 sessions per year in protected time)

  • A Mentor in practice

  • Weekly commitment 4 session

OOH commitment no longer required from 1st April 2025

There is flexibility to take on additional GP sessional work both “in” and “out of hours”. 

The scheme also supports GPs who may be wanting to reduce their clinical commitment but still want to remain in practice. This might be because they :-

  • Require greater flexibility in order to undertake other work either within or outside of general practice OR 

  • Have personal reasons – such as caring responsibilities for family members (children or adults) or health reasons.

The current scheme is open to applications and the relevant forms are available to download below

Here is what one practice had to say about the experience of having a GP retainer:

“Oriel Surgery joined the Retainer Scheme in February 2020. Our Retainer GP has been a huge asset to the Practice, an instrumental part of our team and has benefited and enjoyed immensely the Educational support that has accompanied the Scheme. The security of 4 regular sessions each week has helped both the Practice and the GP cement a brilliant working relationship and hopefully will lead to a long term role within the practice.”

Click on this LINK for more details

For more information, contact