Looking after yourself


General Practice can be very rewarding, and at times very stressful. It is important to recognise your own health needs as you treat others. GPs are under enormous pressure, and during the pandemic this has been highlighted more than ever. Every doctor should have his or her own GP. This should ideally be someone outside the practice, as it is difficult to approach anyone with problems of a personal nature, but particularly difficult if your doctor is your business partner. There are a range of support organisations and resources available to all GPs in NI.

All GPs in Northern Ireland can access Occupational Health Services. This is ideally in the Trust area where you work most often. More information is below.

In an emergency, please consider contacting :-

BMA 24/7 Helpline – call 0330 123 1245

Samaritans - call 116 223

Lifeline 0808 808 8000