Starting as a Sessional GP
GPs may choose to become “sessional” for a range of reasons and at different stages in their careers. This could be:-
Immediately after they have completed their GP Specialty Training
After completion of the Induction and Refresher scheme
A move from being a salaried GP or Partner
It is worth remembering some key facts about being a Sessional/Locum GP:-
You have the freedom/flexibility to choose where and when you work in GP
You are self-employed
You pay your own tax and does not receive benefits such as sick-pay, holiday and maternity pay
You are mostly involved with clinical work
You typically work in a number of practices allowing you to see how different teams work. This can be helpful before choosing a salaried or partner role.
You have no say in the way a practice is run and very little continuity with patients
You can change jobs easily
You can pursue more easily other interests inside/outside of healthcare
You can claim £300 when you complete your annual appriasal through NIMDTA
Thinking about your Pension /Financial Advice
As a sessional GP, it is essential that you consider a pension. You can find more information here.
The Cameron Fund provide helpful finanical tips for GPs HERE
NI Sessional GP Database
As a sessional GP you may want to know about GP work in a particular Federation area. The easiest way to do this is to sign up to the Sessional database. This allows your email address to be shared with practices in specific GP Federation areas on a 2 monthly basis. You can choose to opt out at any time.
Further Resources
You can find more resources for staring as a GP using the links below
GMS “Attract, Recruit, Retain Scheme”
January 2023
A new Scheme has been launched in 2023 offering a “Golden Hello” to GPs taking on a salaried or partnership post in an eligible practice. You can find more info HERE
GP practices are coming under increasing pressure in areas where recruitment has traditionally been challenging. In order to address this issue, SPPG have developed this scheme to promote recruitment in hard to reach areas. All GP practices are eligible to apply to this scheme subject to budgetary constraints; all aspects of this scheme need prior approval from SPPG local office team. This service will provide assistance to qualifying GP Practices with the recruitment and retention of GP Partners and Salaried Doctors.
The packages available under this scheme are:
Golden Hello
A Golden Hello payment of £20,000 paid over 5 years pro rata based on sessions* will be paid to every GP taking up an eligible Salaried post or,
A Golden Hello payment of £40,000 paid over 5 years pro rata based on sessions* will be paid to every GP taking up a GP Partnership.
*Full Time is equivalent to 9 sessions per week
GPs recruited under this scheme will be required to stay employed in the GP Practice for a minimum of 5 years. There can only be one application under this scheme within 5 years for a Golden Hello. (exceptional circumstances will however be considered).
**Personal Taxation issues should be considered by the individual applying to this scheme**
Job Sharers
Each partner in a job-sharing arrangement will be eligible individually for payment if he or she satisfies the appropriate conditions.
The amount of money payable will be dependent on the time commitment of the job-sharer.
Changes in Circumstances
If an eligible practitioner has a change in circumstances involving an increase in time commitment he or she may be entitled to make an additional claim.
Return of Payments
Where within 5 years, an eligible practitioner in receipt of payments stops providing or assisting in the provision of general medical services to the terms of the scheme the practice will be required to return some or all of the payment. The amount of the payment returnable will be pro rata dependent on the amount of time spent as an eligible practitioner.
The provisions for the return of the payments will not apply where the SPPG is satisfied that the practitioner has ceased to work in this capacity due to:
a) death;
b) enforced early retirement from general practice due to illness or injury;
c) exceptional personal circumstances and with the approval of the
d) maternity (or other extended parenting leave) agreed by the SPPG provided the GP gives an undertaking that she/he will return to practise and does so within a reasonable period, to be considered case-by-case by the SPPG.
Criteria for GPs applying for Partnership/Salaried Posts that are eligible for a Golden Hello:
· Sessional GPs who do not hold a partnership or salaried post in another GP Practice in NI who are on the NI Performers list
· GPs from outside of Northern Ireland, and who are eligible to apply to join the NI Performers list
· Only in exceptional circumstances will consideration be given to GPs already employed in another GP Practice in NI. For example GPs proposing to relocate to another practice that is identified by the SPPG as a practice in difficulty and where the relocation does not adversely affect the stability of the practice and local area they are leaving.
GPs who have been a partner or salaried doctor in a practice in NI who have left the practice, in the last 12 months prior to the application, or from commencement of this scheme, are not eligible for a Golden Hello.
All applications for this part of the scheme will be assessed locally by SPPG and where required appeals will be assessed through an appeals panel. SPPG will try to ensure GP movement does not adversely affect the stability of the local area.
The Head of GMS has final approval on all applications subject to budgetary constraints.
Western FSU Locum List
There are additional benefits offered to those joining the Western FSU Locum List.
You can email to find out more by clicking below