How healthcare is delivered in NI
If you are moving to the UK for the first time, you will be new to the National Health Service (NHS). This is the publicly-funded healthcare system, which was established in 1948. The founding principles include providing a service which is comprehensive, universal and free at the point of delivery. You can find out key facts and figures about the NHS at this link -
In Northern Ireland the National Health Service (NHS) is referred to as Health and Social Care (HSC). It provides Acute Services in critical and emergency care and also provides social care services like home care services, family and children's services, day care services and social work services. Northern Ireland is distinct from England, Scotland and Wales in that health and social care is, at least in theory, integrated. Health and social care is commissioned by a regional single body supported by five local commissioning groups.
HSC Trusts
The NHS in Northern Ireland employs around 62,603 staff who work across 6 Health and Social Care (HSC) Trusts. Five of these provide integrated health and social care services across Northern Ireland. They manage and administer hospitals, health centres, residential homes, day centres and other health and social care facilities and they provide a wide range of health and social care services to the community.
The sixth Trust is the Northern Ireland Ambulance Service, which operates a single Northern Ireland wide service to people in need and aims to improve the health and well-being of the community through the delivery of high quality ambulance services. NHS prescriptions have been free to N. Ireland residents registered with a doctor from 2010.
GP Federations
In relation to General Practice, the creation of a Federation model was both led and funded by GPs themselves. There are currently 17 fully incorporated GP Federations covering all areas of Northern Ireland. They deliver primary care for the 1.8 million of a patient population. Northern Ireland is the only part of the United Kingdom that has a unified model of Federations governed by a unified Members Agreement covering its entire population.
You can find out more about GP Federations in Northern Ireland here.
In recent years, a number of Practices have been able to refer to a Multi-Disciplinary Team (MDT) based in their own practice on designated days
You can find out more about Multi-Disciplinary Teams in Primary Care here.
Further links to HSC Trust Sites
Through the 10 year strategy entitled Quality 2020, NI is striving for the health and social care system to “be recognised internationally, but especially by the people of Northern Ireland, as a leader for excellence in health and social care”. You can read more about it here Quality 2020 strategy
There are a number of organisations in Northern Ireland that are responsible for the delivery of health and social care. You will find lots more information about each at the links below.