Saffa Ilyas
GP Specialty Trainee; International Medical Graduate
Come to Northern Ireland to train and experience this amazing journey with us.
I am currently a GP trainee in Western Trust( hospital based rotation)
Ethnically from Pakistan but moved to Republic of Ireland and have a small family there. I had a bit experience of working in hospital setting in Obstetrics & Gynaecology till in joined the GP training program 2021. Why to choose GP, I would say “why not to choose GP career”. My whole experience in Obstetrics & Gynaecology has been good enough to add in my new career. While working I was utterly exhausted in more ways than one. I was physically, mentally and emotionally drained. Work-life balance had always been challenging for me.
I worked so many hours, always doing my best for the patients in my care. I was also constantly trying to stay strong mentally and emotionally strong within a system that I felt was trying its best to force me away from my dream - working as a doctor.
I chose general practice for several reasons, among those were a good work-life balance and a relatively short training programme with an eighteen months hospital placement. I opted for LTFT (less than full time) to add ease to my life and time for kids. In short, the main reason I chose general practice was because, once trained, there is a plethora of opportunities to choose from. GP training keeps the options open for future. I am targeting GP with special interest in Women’s health post CCT.
Moving from Dublin to Enniskillen was bit nerves taking though things got easier with my family support. I had very little knowledge about system before start, but people around you become your support on your way. I tried to connect people around in the Northern Ireland and put my queries of all types including accommodation, driving license and childcare. I am really satisfied and satisfaction is increasing with each passing day that I am in a right direction and can motivate others to join my path .
At present hospital rotations are like any medical specialty , I will be starting the GP world in a few months and that’s where the real excitement would start to experience the diversity of medicine.
In terms of top tips, I would say “ASK ASK ASK if you need help”. Only thing that I learnt through my personal experience. People don’t know what you are looking for unless you ask. Like many other international doctors, I also struggled to get accommodation and child care. I used social media and stayed connected with lovely colleagues who I never saw till I joined the hospital. I have found my Portfolio a totally new world. I asked my fellow trainees and seniors to explain. Help is available if you ask. From my clinical supervisor to educational supervisor and even nimdta itself, people are there to sort issues out and make life easy. Enjoy your stay and explore the beauty of Northern Ireland. People around in Fermanagh are amazingly helpful and open hearted. Your heart will never leave this place. Come join to experience this amazing journey with us.
Post CCT a partner in General Practice with hope of long term stay in Northern Ireland