GP Career Stories
Here are a selection of stories from GPs and GP Trainees working in Northern Ireland. You can use the drop down menu to filter results
- All GP Stories
- GP Academic Research Training Scheme (GPARTS)
- GP Improvement and Crisis Response Team
- GP Partner
- GP Trainer
- GP Training in Northern Ireland
- GP appraiser
- Induction and Refresher Scheme
- International Medical Graduate
- Lifestyle Medicine
- MSK Medicine
- Medical Education
- Medical Leadership
- Prison Medicine
- Private GP
- Rural GP
- Salaried GP
- Sessional GP

Saniya Zahid
I got interested in rural GP practice while working as a physician assistant in Toronto, and my journey to train as a GP brought me to Northern Ireland. While filling in my application and ranking my choices, I had considered a few things such as weather, cost of living, access to an international airport, choice of hospital rotations, trainee satisfaction as per GMC survey, population demographics and believe it or not, google guide reviews by people who had visited the area. Considering all these factors, Western Trust fulfilled most of my requirements and Fermanagh looked extremely beautiful in pictures!

Saffa Ilyas
I chose general practice for several reasons, among those were a good work-life balance and a relatively short training programme with an eighteen months hospital placement. I opted for LTFT (less than full time) to add ease to my life and time for kids. In short, the main reason I chose general practice was because, once trained, there is a plethora of opportunities to choose from. GP training keeps the options open for future. I am targeting GP with special interest in Women’s health post CCT.

Daniel Butler
Daniel shares his experience of being involved in the GP academic research training scheme and undertaking an out of programme research with the Northern Ireland Clinical Research Network.

Damilola Akinrinsola
Damilola shares her experience of coming to Northern Ireland as an IMG from Nigeria. She shares her experiences of choosing GP and tips on getting to know Northern Irish culture.