Daniel Butler
GP Academic Research Training Scheme (GPARTS)
As I complete training, my plan is to keep what motivates me, and what I find interesting, at the centre of career decisions.
I’m a GP trainee, part of the General Practice Academic Research Training Scheme (GPARTS) and I’m currently undertaking an out of programme research placement fulltime on a COVID-19 anti-viral study, with the Northern Ireland Clinical Research Network (NICRN).
I trained in Manchester, had a great F2 GP placement which encouraged me to pursue a career in general practice. Following a couple of years as a locum, I decided to start GP training, using the opportunity to move to Northern Ireland. Throughout my career I’ve been interested in research and large impact, bigger picture projects. When I heard about GPARTS I was keen to find out more and was fortunate to join the programme in 2020. Once my placement is complete I will return to finish the last part of my GP training.
I’m a big advocate for the potential of well-resourced general practice on population health, and I enjoy the variety of seeing patients within GP, as well as, having time to look and think about related challenges and opportunities surrounding GP.
My tips for Gp trainees would be getting exams done early if possible, and if opportunities arise and they sound interesting to you, do not discount or discredit yourself before at least looking into it.
I have not had much of a plan up to this point, but pursued areas that interested me. That has ultimately opened doors to help me start to create out a career within general practice that I feel very fortunate to have had up to this point. Hopefully, i will continue to combine clinical general practice with primary care research and/or advocacy.