GP Salaried - Quayside Medical Practice
Quayside Medical Practice// Derry Federation
Applications will close on 30th April 2025
Information about the role
* Seeking a salaried GP to replace a retiring GP
* Potential for Partnership
* Approved for Attract, Recruit, Retain "Golden Hello" package (see top of Jobs Board for more info)
* 4-9 sessions/wk
* 6 wks annual leave and 10 NI bank hols (pro rata)
* 4 days/annum study leave (pro rata)
* Contribution towards indemnity
* No requirement to work OOH's sessions
Applicants must be eligible to be on the NI performers list.
We welcome applications from established and newly qualified GP's.
We encourage prompt application as we may close this advert prior to the closing date dependant on interest.
Information about the practice
* 7 GP Partnership
* GMS contracted Practice providing care to circa
12,000 patients
* In-house MDT team which includes Pharmacists,
Mental Health Practitioners, Social Workers and
Social Work Assistant
* Highly skilled administration team
* 6 nursing staff operating a busy treatment room
* INPS Vision Practice providing an extensive list of
NILES and DES enhanced services
* Long standing NIMDTA training practice
* QUB/UU undergraduate teaching practice
For more information about this role & how to apply you can contact:
Practice Manager: Patrice Duffy
Contact email:
Contact phone: 044 2871262790
Contact address: 82-84 Strand Road, Londonderry. N.Ireland. BT48 7NN
Web address: